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College Of Education And Human Development

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JSU网站 > 美国大阳城集团99aa教育与人类发展学院 > Undergraduate Candidate Assessment

Undergraduate Candidate Assessment

所有大阳城集团99aa教师教育候选人都有责任完成一系列专业教育课程和评估,旨在确保候选人在完成课程之前学习并掌握关键内容和教学知识和技能. 基于课程的关键评估旨在测试候选人在入学过程中对关键知识和技能的掌握程度. 这些评估与INTASC、TGR(密西西比标准)和项目标准保持一致. 候选人性格评估旨在评估候选人的职业行为习惯和道德承诺,这些习惯是候选人表现的基础. 大阳城集团99aa在I级和II级使用独特的性格评估,密西西比州在III级强制使用性格评估. I级和II级性格使教师能够根据候选人在课堂和/或实地经验中经常表现出的可观察行为来评估候选人. 您可以通过点击相关链接查看下面的任何评估. 这将让你知道在注册与关键评估相关的课程时对你的期望是什么.

Course-based EPP Key Assessments:

Candidate Dispositions Assessment:

Recommended Completion Schedule for Licensure Exams:

  • PRAXIS CORE:在大二结束前成功完成(ACT成绩为21分或更高免除), SAT score of 1060 or higher, 或平均绩点达到3.0 or higher on 60 designated hours of coursework)
  • PRAXIS II内容:三年级结束前顺利完成
  • PRAXIS II PLT: Successfully Completed by the End of Junior Year
  • 阅读基础考试:在三年级结束前顺利完成(仅限小学)




       a. 必须向参加评估课程的考生介绍并解释基于课程的关键评估和评分标准 在学期初回顾课程大纲和要求时.

       b. 考生可重新提交一(1)次基于课程的关键评估 after receiving feedback and/or remediation on the initial submission of the key assessment

       c. Course-based key assessments are due a minimum of three (3) weeks prior to the end of the semester to allow time for scoring, resubmission by candidate(s) if necessary, and whole class discussion and/or remediation if necessary

       d. 知识/技能需要全班讨论和/或补习 class performs at or below the “Needs Improvement” level

       e. 考生必须成功完成以课程为基础的关键评估,才能通过关键评估课程


11JSU students conversing

Our college is committed to preparing future educators, 辅导员, 以及致力于对世界产生积极影响的领导人.

我们提供广泛的本科和大阳城集团99aa,为学生提供知识, 技能, 以及在他们选择的领域取得成功所必需的实践经验. 我们的教师都是经验丰富的专业人士,他们对教学和指导充满热情, 他们积极参与研究,为他们在课堂上的工作提供信息和改进.

In addition to our academic programs, 我们提供各种资源和支持服务,帮助学生取得成功. Our Center for Student Success provides academic advising, 辅导, 以及其他旨在帮助学生实现学业目标的服务. We also offer a number of experiential learning opportunities, such as student teaching, 实习, and service learning, that allow students to gain hands-on experience in their field.

College of Education and Human Development,我们相信教育是创造更美好世界的关键. Whether you are interested in teaching, 咨询, 领导, or any other field related to education and human development, 我们在这里帮助你实现你的目标,改变世界.


教育与人类发展学院的愿景是成为密西西比州首选的城市机构, 该地区, and the nation for the preparation of teachers, 辅导员 and mental health professionals, professional development specialists, school leaders, 与其他学校相关的专业从业人员拥有最新的技术, 最佳实践和具有适应性专业知识的响应性教育工作者.

我们也很自豪我们的指定作为供应商机构和合作伙伴与美国.S. PREP National Center for Educator Preparation Transformation.

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College Of Education And Human Development


College of Education and Human Development
1400约翰·R. 林奇街
Jackson, MS 39217-0280
